back to schoolBack to school time is here. School buses are running, lesson plans are written, and young minds are open and ready to receive all the information they can handle. Getting children the best education possible is a lofty goal, but there are so many contributing factors. One such factor which may not get much consideration is the school’s HVAC system. In schools, having the furnaces and air conditioners serviced and maintained regularly will ensure the highest level of performance. High efficiency HVAC systems that receive expert services from a reputable heating and cooling company will help to keep students focused better with fewer health issues, because efficient air conditioners help to reduce allergens and humidity levels in the air, creating healthier air quality and a more comfortable environment.  

 High Performing Air Conditioning and Heating System Leads to Improved Learning Environments in Schools  

School children can be affected by the indoor environment of schools. If there are too many allergens in the air, and proper ventilation is not achieved, children may have trouble concentrating due to increased allergy symptoms or respiratory illnesses. When the school’s HVAC systems are functioning at full capacity, effectively filtering allergens and germs, students are healthier and more comfortable, able to think clearly and perform better. An evaluation by The United States Environmental Protection Agency on Indoor Air Quality & Student Performance among schools in the U.S. concluded that schools experienced lower absentee rates when efficient air conditioning was in place: 

Early studies in schools have found that air conditioning is associated with lower absentee rates or improved performance, and that schools with humidification systems are also associated with lower absentee rates.” 

Varney, Inc. provides services for commercial air conditioner and heating units in VA and the entire southeast, including annual maintenance and repairs.  

Keeping Your Commercial AC System Maintained Increases the Focus in the Classroom 

In schools, the students’ focus can be compromised if the air conditioning system does not receive regular maintenance. Students may have trouble focusing if they constantly complain about the temperature of the classroom. With a new commercial air conditioner, regular maintenance and expert repairs, a school can have an improved indoor air quality, resulting in better concentration and healthier, more focused students.  

Varney, Inc. Can Keep the Commercial Air Conditioner in Your VA School or Business Running Smoothly 

Whether you run a school or a business, providing clean, cool air will help your students, patrons, or employees think clearly and stay healthy. Varney, Inc. understands the importance of maintenance and offers expert service from fully certified technicians. Contact the team for your HVAC service and repair at (540) 343-0155.